divendres, 14 d’octubre del 2016

You say

I'm going to try to explain a few things about our society.
In the last decade, with the advanced technology and social media, everyone knows what you're doing. We post photos of our friends, family, pets... Also we follow our favorite celebrities and we try to be like them. 
All of this could be really cool and stuff but sometimes turns out to be pretty annoying and even dangerous sometimes. We don't realize that EVERYONE can see what we're posting. It destroys step by step our personallity because we always want to be like him/her because he/she is cool, popular, etc. Also we care too much about how people will react when they see us or our photos and even where you are and with who. 
Personally I think we're becoming dolls of the society. Everytime someone wears something that's ''not cool'', listens to different music or even looks different physically, we end up making fun of that someone and don't even think about the possibility of that someone being friend with you. That's really sad and childish. 
It looks like we're afraid of the unknown and we only care of how popular we are. And that's the actual true.

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