diumenge, 29 de gener del 2017


This week we had to do an oral presentation about our research project, mine called ''The most influential bands of the 90's in the United Stes'', in the Englsih class. In the presentation we had to talk about how we did our project, where did we find the information that we used, what was the part that we had more trouble with, etc. 
I think that I did it pretty well because, as I wasn't as nervous as other times, I've been more able to explain better what I was saying and look comfortable while doing it. Also, I included some songs and explained a little bit of their story so that people could be more interested in what I was saying. 
Basically, I talked about why did I choose that specific topic; the methodolgy that I used, mainly magazines; the objectives that I wanted to achieve; the parts that I divided my project, explaining what I did in each one; conclusions, where I commented If I've reached my goals and all the things that I learnt.

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